Three Ways To Keep Your Attic Safe From Rodents Once They're Gone

After rodents are removed from your attic, your next steps should be to prevent any more from getting in and to clean up after the ones that were removed. Doing this helps you avoid not only the risk of reinfestation but also any health risks that can come from exposure to rodent waste.

Use a Long-Term Control Plan

Once rodents are removed, your primary goal should be to prevent them from getting back in and to mitigate any invasions that do occur. One of the best ways to do this is to set up a long-term pest control plan with your pest removal specialist.

There are a variety of ways this can be done. One example is a system of traps that will catch any creatures that enter your attic. Catching them allows them to be removed far away from your home where there is much less risk they'll return. Another example is the installation of one-way traps, which allow rodents to get out, but not back in.

The best approach is usually a multifaceted target to handle your specific needs, so talk to your specialist about how to keep pests out now that they've been removed.

Find and Seal Access Points

Another useful measure is to find and seal off any potential access points. It might not always be obvious from where your pests are coming in, but you can often narrow this down. Rodents often leave hints of their entry points, such as nibbling walls or other materials to make spaces larger. Nests can also sometimes give an indication of where they came in. In the event it's harder to find, your specialist may use traps placed strategically throughout your attic to see which ones get the most traffic.

Once this is taken care of, you can start closing off these entry points to other rodents. Gaps in house siding or ducts can often be caulked, and other openings like plumbing vents can be blocked off with metal mesh. While you're at it, carefully inspect your roof both inside and out for signs of damage. Not only should any damage be repaired to close off any doors for pests, but roof damage can also allow water damage, so it's vital to take care of this right away.

Have It Cleaned

While having your attic and roof space cleaned after any pest infestation is a good idea, it's even more important depending on where this infestation took place. For example, if any rodents were using your air ducts to travel or make nests, this can present serious health risks; animal fur and droppings can cause an increase in allergy symptoms or even more serious health issues. Other examples are chimneys or spaces between walls, which humans are more likely to make physical contact with or get close to.

Because of these risks, it's a good idea to seek professional cleaning services for help. They will likely have experience cleaning up after pests, especially pests found in ducts, and will know how to address the issue to help you avoid any unnecessary risks.

For more information on pest control, contact a professional near you.

About Me

From Mice to Earwigs

How many household pests can you name? Chances are, you pretty quickly think of the common ones like rats, mice, cockroaches, and ants. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. There are also plenty of lesser-known pests, like earwigs, silverfish, voles, and camel crickets. As a homeowner, it is important to know a little about each pest so you can take appropriate measures to keep it away. Of course, if you are having trouble fighting pests on your own, you can always call a pest control professional. This website will teach you more about these professionals and the work they do.



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